
It’s natural that all living things should have a fear of dying, because a desire to survive is a fundmamental trait of reproductive fitness and genetic competition. But it’s not as clear if it’s sensible to be afraid of dying. Is death the permanent end of our influence on the world? Is there some magical “second round” after death if we behave or think the right way? Do we fail at life if we die? Read More…
The need for consensus Finding how to better establish broad consensus is the solution to our current societal woes because it prevents what abusive power structures require in order to thrive, which is to divide us. Division is what permits groups to be played against one-another. This serves as a distraction and energy trap, and allows centralized entities to outperform the majority of citizens despite the size disparity. If nearly everyone is able to find consensus, our size will far surpass any central authority and they will lose their outsized influence. Read More…
The idea here is that our rights are being trampled on many (if not all) fronts. Because corporations have such stewardship of our social interactions on the internet, they must be considered to be potentially untrustworthy adversaries to personal empowerment as much as the government. Therefore, in our implementation of tools that assert rights, we must address (and defeat) infringement by corporations as well as governments. If we accept that our rights aren’t being met, then we can read the bill of rights as what we should have, and construct a plan that can reassert it. Read More…
Programming is a superpower. You really should learn it. It allows you to create anything that you can imagine. To help and encourage people to get started, I’ve written a brief overview of what I view as the fundamental “pillars” of being an effective software developer. The skills needed to contribute to software development are broad, but fall into four main categories. Each of these categories are useful independently of the others, but together they constitute the essence of contributing as a software developer. Read More…
A common focus of software development companies is to define everything as code (text). Rather than using a graphical interface to make some change, it’s often better to define the change as code. This enables the change to be reviewed by teammates, tracked through time, documented as part of a unit of work, tested for correctness and standards compliance, proven in a testing playground, and finally executed in a controlled way that ensures positive progress. Read More…

It can be really rewarding to find new ways to think about old things.

For example, we can consider writing and speaking to be a vital part of the human power of practical telepathy.

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Is it possible to build a map of ideas, a model which will aid in exploring any idea? Read More…